Uncommon Collectibles


Real Sportscards


Desktop & Mobile App, CMS, Livestream, Ecommerce


UX/UI Designer

The Problem

Real Sportscards utilized Facebook for every interaction in the life cycle of performing live breaks. From notifying followers of an upcoming break, to followers commenting as to which team they want, to hosts manually collecting payment and facilitating breaks through Facebook Live.

The Solution

We began with a 2-day workshop to understand business and tech needs. Then we interviewed users and presented options for a visual feel. We wireframed the CMS and created high fidelity UIs. This CMS allows hosts and other admins to create, schedule, cancel, discount breaks, and facilitate the livestreams.
In addition to the CMS, we created concepts and a purchase-path prototype to ensure the team understands the guidepost we'll be working toward. With strong visual direction solidified, we began creating high fidelity screens - skipping the wireframe process altogether - and iterated the visuals as we progressed through the design process allowing for a leaner design effort.
Every aspect has been designed to improve the collector and host experience, allowing for less friction and greater efficiencies resulting in an 10-20% cost reduction and a 25% increase in revenue. For additional revenue, an option to white label allowed other breakers to utilize Uncommon to facilitate their breaks.
Download on the App Store, Google Play, or view the Uncommon website for the full breadth of work.